




Tenger Mongol Gazar 7

...I had everything, nothing to miss in material terms. But still something was missing inside and it was happiness. There were sickness and problems. Despite of my sincere attempts, I was failing. Then I started to approach different religions for help. I supported my husband to become a Christian and kept my regular visit to Gandan (Buddhist monastery) to order the prayers for my family. On my way to Gandan, I used to visit and ask for help from all those who promised that they can help. Then I went to shaman also. All of them told me that after their rituals, everything will be fine and I believed them. However, all of these were just a mere vain. Because I didn't have real faith and all of them lacked the truth. And this is also what has happened to human history. Is search for the help and truth, they have founded many religions, and chose to follow what seemed to be the sincerest to them. However, none of them helped me.

And suddenly one day I was told by a shaman that I have to become a shaman. But I didn't understand anything due to my ignorance. That time, my perception about shamans was that they are invited to somewhere, usually at night and do something to work out with demons while drinking alcohol, so I didn't want to follow such lifestyle. Plus, I never saw a demon nor a ghost, so I didn't understand such things. However, I was totally in shock when heard that my son also has to become a shaman, if not, he will die. I wouldn't dare to lose my dear son just because of my stubbornness and ignorance. When I witnessed that ill prophecy, I was requesting those ghosts not to hurt and kill my son and promised to give them everything what they wanted. But I just forget what I promised when my son gets well. And it gets repeated, when he gets sick, I would offer whatever I have, and then forget. This cycle had lasted almost a decade.

The same cycle is being repeated in history of human beings. Just like me, everybody is lost. Most of them don't know what is spirit and what is difference between God and demon. If something bad happens, they go to church and pray. If everything goes well, they just forget about the God. For example, if one gets sick, first goes to a doctor. If doctor can't help, then goes to monk. If that also fails, then goes to shaman. Many of us can't see Tenger and demon. If it happens that someone can see it, everybody including that person would think that it was a mental disorder and prefers to go to psychiatric hospital.

In my personal life, I had to face the worst in order to accept the truth. Grievance over the loss of my first grandchild had opened my eyes and forced me to make up my mind. In order to save my son, we agreed to make him a shaman, which was our last hope. Since then, it's been over a year and we are now used to live with those ghosts in our home. I was hoping that since we have accepted and made our son a shaman, now it is time to live happily ever after. But unfortunately, that was not the end. This time, it was me who fell sick and even couldn't move myself. I didn't want to become a shaman and preferred death, so I was discreetly preparing for suicide. But I had to give up this idea, when ancestral spirits of my son told me that I wouldn't die, instead I would get insane. Losing my sanity would be worse than the death. So I had no choice, but to become a shaman, to accept my ghosts. Luckily, during that one year, I got to know about the ghosts of my son. They were different from what I imagined before. They didn't drink alcohol, didn't like to go somewhere else, but were really jolly to be with. Their sharp mind and clear wisdom was really adorable. Finally I gave up calling them as “ghosts” but started revering to them as “Ancestors”. From them, I learnt that not every spirits are same. Since our ancestors demanded strict disciplined attitude from us, we had to control each and every move and word we made in front of them.

After a year, I became a shaman myself... (to be continued)


Tenger Mongol Gazar 6

...Chinggis Khaan had shown us how to pray to and get blessed by Tenger. He used to worship and respect the nature, and demonstrated how to protect and live in harmony with nature. Why I am repeating all these things again and again? Buddha, Jesus, Mohamed, Chinggis, all were messengers of Tenger who took the form of regular human being. All of them conveyed messages from Tenger and taught others how to live properly. One can find same things, such as the existence of God, spirits, heaven and hell, good and evil, this and after life, and right behaviours etc. from any of those teachings. Even before these messengers came into the earth, human beings had existed in the world, they all used to eat, breath and die. Shamans also had existed with them. It is obvious that along with the human evolution, new ways of living and thinking had been discovered, so it is important for us to learn and understand the process of history, so that we can move forward without much confusion.

I have witnessed the process of historical evolution in my life. That has shaped me as it is now. Because people get more convinced about what they have seen and felt. However, this is a bit one sided. Other people could have different feelings and views, so one should respect and try to understand each other. Since it is impossible to expect all people to be same, diversity makes life more interesting.

My life till 2005 was the dark age of my life, without the knowledge of shamanism. I was only living for myself, following the stream, without considering about the purpose of this life. To live happy was limited with my today's food and cloth. And I think that part of my life can be compared to the primitive age of human history.

After for a while when I looked around, people were having different life. So I tried to catch them up and used all my abilities to live better than them. But my need had not been satisfied at all. All my fingers had golden rings, but I was bored from them. Even I lost the number of my clothes and don't remember what I wore yesterday. All what I bought was now just a pile of garbage. Human history is witnessing such period at the moment. Everybody is running after material consumption, competing through what they are using and wearing. Money has become the mean and purpose of the life. The gap between the rich and poor has widened enormously. In few words, quest for physical pleasure is overwhelming all...  (to be continued)


Tenger Mongol Gazar 5

...But why there was no incidence of thievery and frauds during the reign of the most “barbaric” ruler, the Great Khaan. Because during that time, everybody knew that there is the Tenger. Almighty was keeping his eyes upon everything and nobody dared to stand up against him. That is why wherever Law of the Tenger was delivered, everybody respected it sincerely and deeply, despite of their different origins and nationalities. Only through the spread of such law, the Great Khaan succeeded in creating peaceful world where traders and merchants can go anywhere without any fear. Such evidences can be traced from historical written treasures.

Chinggis Khaan never allowed others to idolise him. Even after his death, he didn't want to become a deity. But now he has returned to us in the form of Spirit, the Messenger of Tenger, in order to restore the justice and clean the contaminated globe. When he heard about the Lamaist prophecy about his arrival in the form of Ochirvaani (Vajrapani) deity, he got infuriated. Also when he learnt that some Shamans refer him as a Tenger, he laughed at them. I, myself, spent a great deal to solve this mystery, in differentiating between Tenger and our Great Khaan. Once he told me that “You dared to stand up against Tenger, the Father of all, and then ask of me if you should follow him? Why don't you understand that I am not comparable to Tenger. I am equal to an insect in front of him. So what should I do to bring light into your small brain”.

During the time spent with Great Khaan, I truly realised that he is the most obedient son of Tenger. And he is the simplest person/spirit. Even though he was a messenger of Tenger while he was alive, he preferred not to idolise himself, but just truthfully fulfilled his duty and delivered will of Tenger to people on earth. But on contrary, other messenger of Tenger had made big mistakes by allowing people to worship them, instead of Tenger. Just look at Christ, who is worshipped in the form of crucified person or Buddha, whose curly haired hair is idolised. All those followers have to go to churches and monasteries to pray and hold ceremonies. And owners of those buildings earn money from them. But in order to communicate with Tenger, there is no need to go anywhere. One can pray to Tenger, wherever s/he is... (to be continued)    


Tenger Mongol Gazar 4

...But the failure and imperfection of the dominating religions is more visible now. During those centuries when Shamanism, Chinggis Khaan, his Tengerism were isolated and ignored, there was enough time for them to prove their perfection. If they were true beliefs, we, all human beings, would have been living in a perfect world with peace. However, all of them failed to stop countless wars and violence, and sufferings. Countries and nations followed their own way, own religion. But there is none which is perfected. If their religion was really the perfect way to reach the happiness, why Tibetans, who have the deepest beliefs and respect to Buddha, have lost their freedom? It is because of their mistaken belief in tolerance and sympathy. Life is about fighting and struggling against all the evils, not just sitting back and praying to idols, and getting enslaved by evil doers. Even though there is a saying that “water washes away the blade of stone”, we have to consider the time period which it requires. Human life can not be compared to stone life. This also refers to those poor women who are beaten by their drunk husbands. Such women say that “soft fire makes sweet malts” and silently bear the insult and suffering, hoping that when husband gets older, he will get better, and she would feel the real happiness. But they don't want to accept that when husband gets older, she will also get older, and by that time, all the precious years would be gone in waste. In addition to this fact, I want to mention about modern Buddhist monks, who wear the mask of a saint, hiding their evil face behind it. Many of them lie without hesitating, steal without second thought, marry and drink alcohol, do their chanting in wrong way and even spell a curse for money. If they really want to follow Buddha's path, they should be striving for the enlightenment, but there is no evidence of their accomplishment even after hundreds of years.

Christians claim themselves to be the holiest of humankind, but in reality, they commit the worst in the name of human rights. We Mongolians have followed them since 1990s, but as a result, we face too much suffering within few years. Number of evil doers such as alcoholics, drug abusers, human traffickers, robbers and those who sells out their motherland without any doubt have unexpectedly risen up. It might end up with having no soil to step on and no water to drink. Instead of defending our freedom and independence, we might lose our country, and would be buying water to drink and air to breath. The only way to survive has become to lie and rob just as others do. The mass of the population is barely surviving while few at the top is getting richer and richer. People now don't have a chance to live in peace, they are in constant fear of becoming unemployed or getting sick, because once they slip off the road, there is no way to get back. Mass migration from rural to urban areas is increasing due to lack of grassland and water for the animal stock warns us the danger of losing everything is just knocking our door. All these things happened only within the last 20 years. And if it continues further, what will happen to our children?

Islam is another religion which follows horrific traditions of degrading women, just like they were not born by mothers. And religious conflicts amongst themselves continues never-ending, torn into many pieces. All these facts show the consequences of disregarding the existence of Tenger, not loving the Mother Earth, ignoring the true spirits of nature as well as harmony and balance of Arga/Bilig (male and female). They misuse the concept of equality for their private gain. They even don't understand their own idols. By leaving out the essence of Tengerism, and idolising mortal human beings, whole humankind is now on the edge of self destruction, by killing our Mother Earth on which we dwell. All those religious people are blinded with their greed and know nothing else than digging out the earth minerals, of which they think as the most precious thing in life. They grab everything they like, either by lying or robbing. They call others who oppose them as evil spirited, but themselves, they don't believe in existence of evil spirit. Even after talking so much about the hell, they don't know about it at all. And they negate each others' concept of heaven and hell, despite of claiming the same themselves. All want to reach the heaven after death, but don't know how to go there... (to be continued)


Буурлуудын сургаалиас

2012-8-25. Налайх дүүрэг.

Гэрлийн өргөөний нөхдийн хамтаар Тэнгэр удганыхаа удирдлаган доор Нарны бөөлөөнд явж, олон сайхан бууралтай золгож, сургаал юуг нь сонсож биширлээ. Хэдийгээр зарим хүн уншаад "тэгтлээ гайхаад байх сургаал биш байна, энэнийг чинь хүн бүр л мэддэг юм" гэх ч "хүн хэдий ухаантай ч хэлэхээс наашгүй" болохоор яг надад зориулаад хэлж байхад толгой руу тог гээд л тогших шиг болдог юм.

Мөн Эзэн Богд маань хөрстөд заларсан өрлөг жанжингуудаа дуудан, замбын балчруудад алдраа таниул хэмээн зарлигдсаны дагуу зөвхөн түүхэн холбогдолтой ном судраас алдрыг дуулж биширч явсан олон сайхан өрлөг жанжингуудаас нилээн хэд нь эзэн богдоо  танин ирж золголдсоныг мөн л амаа ангайн байж биширлээ.

  1.       Жижиг чулуу дороо суурьтай бол ихийг бүтээж чадна. Бусдыг дууриаж бүү хуйлар. Дотор сэтгэлээ шинж, өөрөөсөө чадах эсэхээ сайтар асуу. Бэлэн болсон гэвэл зорьсоноо эхэлж болно.
  2.        Бурууг хийсэн бол өршөөл эрж сур. Өршөөл эрнэ гэдэг нь уучлаарай гэж хэлэх төдийхөн бус юм. Үйлдсэн үйлдлийнхээ гэмийг цайруулах үйлдэл заавал хийх ёстой. Эс тэгвээс үйлийн үр нь өөрийг нь эргэн тойроод л байх болно.
  3.      Бодол нь зөв байгаад түүнийгээ зөв үгээр илэрхийлж сурваас үйл нь аяндаа бүтнэ. Хэлж байгаа үг нь зөв байхгүй аваас хийх үйлийнх нь зам мөр нь хазайдаг юм. Ингээд шулуухан яваад хүрэх байсан газарт бүр ингэж даялж байж хүрэх үйлийг буруу хэлсэн үг үүсгэдэг юм. Мөн дагаж харж явдаг өвгөд дээсүүд нь буруу хэлсэн үгэнд нь гомдох нь бий. Иймээс үг хэлээ цэнэж, сэтгэл өөдрөг байж, үргэлж болно бүтнэ гэсэн итгэл зоригтой байх хэрэгтэй. 


Tenger Mongol Gazar 3

...Generally, all the religions have same roots and same goals. All preach about good and bad conducts, and all believe in the existence of God, the Creator; afterlife including heaven and hell; angels and demons. From this fact, it can be concluded that these things really exist. However, those religions show different paths to reach the one ultimate goal. I believe hat all these religions are originated from the Shamanic belief, and all time saints were descendants of Tenger. But why there are so many religions such as Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, dividing the world into many opposing sects? Why they are hating and fighting against each other? Answer is simple, because they were human beings, messengers of Tenger, but not Tenger. During their short lifetime on earth, all of them had achieved immeasurable success. They wanted to share what they have experienced, but average people didn't have enough capacity to fully understand them. That is why their teachings were understood and propagated differently at various parts of the world.

To make it easier to understand, I can take a sample of a family with many children. Even though they have same parents, all of them have different personalities and characters. How hard they tried to praise the Tenger, they have succeeded in idolising themselves. People have also ignored the essence and chosen to worship only the faces, curly haired Buddha, crucified Jesus and Mohammed who bows to earth. Along with passing time, main part of their teachings were lost or erased, and some parts were changed and became the tool to manipulate mass of the population. That is how the current situation was inherited to us, with many antagonising religions. Even though there are many people who really believe in essence of their religion with true heart, number of those who use religion a method to gain material benefit, is not small. Since messengers were human beings, not Tenger, they couldn't be 100 percent perfect and right.

Ironically, when centuries passed, the Omnipotent Tenger was overshadowed by the fame of these messengers, and got almost forgotten by his children. When we say Tenger, people will refer to sky, not knowing the reality. I think nobody would argue if I say that the only one who remained truthful to Tenger was Great Khaan Chingis. He was praising Tenger, he was obeying Tenger's will and he rests in Tenger now. Even after centuries, he has returned to earth as a Messenger of Tenger in the form of spirit to fulfil and revive the will of Tenger. Now he has resumed his duty to enlighten me, his Ulaach. Why such a great person who unified half of the globe under one fist paid equal respect to all those religions, while all the supporters and religious people fight and shed blood amongst themselves just for defending their names? History tells us that in 13th century, under the reign of Great Khaan, all those religions peacefully co-existed in one city, not to mention one world... (to be continued


Tenger Mongol Gazar 2

...If followed by in true sense with due respect, Shamanism is the most sacred and true religion. The main objects of Shamanism is Tenger and the Mother Earth, the most sacred ones, and to love and respect them, along with other supernatural spirits and souls is another inseparable part. Because every living beings exist in one universe and all of them have their own spirits and souls. In such situation, each of them should be assisting and respecting each others, exchanging their energies in order to survive. Shamans are the ones who can regulate that interactions and exchanges in the best suitable way. The black age of the material dominance is approaching its end, where everybody believes in only what is seen and touched, and ignores the essence of meanings and hidden parts.

Just as a small example, we can look at how Shamans approach the Sun. Shamans believe that Sun has his soul and own ways to influence the life on earth whenever Mother Earth needs protection, and Shamans are instructed by their guiding spirits on how to talk to him, how to use his rays and how to live in harmony with him. They even know that there is life in the Sun. However, modern scientists who deny the existence of soul believe that Sun is just a ball of fire which is in constant explosion. About the changes of the sun and its rays, which is visible on the photographs, they would give a “very scientific” explanation that it is just a natural phenomena as a result of an explosion in the sun. When Shamans explain about the cause of natural disasters on the earth, relating them with the effects of sunray, scientists would deny them, and even accuse and criticise them to be anti-scientists, uneducated savages, superstitious etc. just for giving the in-depth explanations from invisible side.

If they, the scientists, were really that smart, then they should have focused their attention on the connections between the natural phenomena such as solar activities and disasters on earth including wars and natural calamities. Only if they did so, they would have found the proof that Sun has a soul. Luckily, scientists have started discovering some of the natural secrets. Recently, in Japan, they have discovered that water has a soul, that it can hear and talk, after conducting many scientific experiments. Their another discovery was that trees also have feelings just like other living beings. The experiment which was conducted in Japan, revealed that trees were panicking after the person who had cut some of the trees in the same room. In reality, every thing in this universe have soul and they can communicate with each other. If all human beings realise and respect this truth, then the life on the earth could have been more harmonious and happy, despite of the different religions and faiths. They could have worked to explore the ways how Sun shows his emotions, and how his happiness does affect the earth.

Take another example. To know the individual person, we look at his emotions, the ways how he expresses them and then accept him as a human with soul and interact with him. But when it comes to a part of nature, such as the Sun, we don't see his soul, but looks at him just like an inanimate object, the big fireball. And here lies our biggest mistake. If we change our angle of perception, and understand that sun has a soul just like us, we would easily understand that Sun has his own feelings, and can get angry or happy, fight and love. Just like water, sun also reacts to happenings in the world and has duties to fulfil. Therefore now it is time to combine the science with esoteric approaches. Only then, the truth about natural objects such as sun, moon, stars and others, will be revealed, and people will understand the existence of their soul... (to be continued...) 

Цагаан Хэрээний зөгнөл

Индианы Крии омгийн удган, ѳнгѳрсѳн зуунд амьдарч байсан Гал Нүдэн гэгч ирээдүйг тольдон харж зѳгнѳлѳѳ үлдээжээ. (Крии буюу Cree нь Канадын болон АНУ-ын хойд зарим нэг мужид амьдарч байсан нутгын уугуул Индианчуудын хэд хэдэн омгийг нэгтгэсэн нэршил) тэр зѳгнѳл/домгийг чадан ядан Монгол хэлнээ буулгалаа.

Ёо-нэ-гис буюу цагаан арьстнуудын шуналын золиосонд хѳрст дэлхий маань сэндийчүүлэн бохирдож, ой мод огтлогдон устаж, шувууд тэнгэрээс унаж, ус мѳрѳн харлаж, загас жараахай урсгал усандаа хордон үхэж, ѳнѳѳгийн бидний мэддэг хүн тѳрѳлхтѳн сүйрлийн ирмэгт тулж очино. Хамгийн сүүлийн мод огтлогдон унаж, хамгиин сүүлийн горхи ширгэж, хамгийн сүүлийн загас үхэхэд хүн тѳрѳлхтѳн мѳнгѳ идээд амьд гарч чадахгүйгээ мэдрэх болно.

Харин тэр цагт үлгэр домог, түүх соёл, уламжлал заншлаа хадгалж үлдсэн Эртний Овог аймгуудын мэдлэг хэрэг болох бѳгѳѳд түүний ачаар хүмүүс эрүүл мэндээ, эх дэлхий маань ногоон байгалиа сэргээж чадна. Хүн тѳрѳлхтѳний тэсэн үлдэх гол түлхүүр нь Солонгын дайчдын гарт үлдэнэ. Шударга ёс, Энх тайван, Эрх чѳлѳѳг эрхэмлэн, Агуу сүнсийг хүлээн зѳвшѳѳрсѳн цагт бүх овог аймгууд нэгдэн Шинэ дэлхий ертѳнцийг бүтээх болно.

Солонгын дайчид Элохи буюу дэлхийн хүн тѳрѳлхтѳнд дээрхи мэдээг тунхаглан хүргэж, түүнд хүрэх арга замыг зааж ѳгнѳ. Улмаар хүн тѳрѳлхтѳн Агуу сүнс буюу Ѳвѳг дээдсээ үл ойшоон, түүнээс нүүрээ буруулснаас болж дэлхий ээж маань хэрхэн ѳвдсѳнийг тайлбарлан хэлж, Агуу сүнсний замаар бусдыг хайрлан энэрч, ойлгон дэмжиж амьдрах арга ухааныг зааж ѳгѳх болно. Ингэж чадвал л дэлхий ээж маань ахин сэргэж, хуучин гоо сайхнаа эргүүлэн авах боломжтой. Гэрлийн замыг дэлхий дээр бий болгоход шаардлагатай эртний хүчирхэг овог аймгуудын дагаж мѳрдѳж байсан үндсэн зарчимууд, хуулиудыг ч мѳн тэд л хүмүүст хүргэх аж. Ингэхдээ дэлхийн дѳрвѳн зүгт амьдран суух хүмүүн гэгч бие биесээ хэрхээ хайрлах, ойлгох, нэгдэх аргыг хэлж ѳгнѳ. Бас эртний овог аймгууд Агуу Сүнсийг хэрхэн дээдэлж, түүнээс ундрах их хайрыг хэрхэн мэдэрч, амьдрал хэмээх их далайд хэрхэн сэлэхийг сурч байсныг зааж үзүүлнэ. Ингэснээр хүмүүс хамтдаа эв найртай, аз жаргалтай амьдрах боломжтой болно. Ямар ч шашин шүтлэг, арьс ѳнгѳ, нас хүйс үл хамааран бие биедээ атаархах сэтгэлээ таягдан хаяж, ахан дүүс мэт найртай сайхан амьдрах болно. Цэвэр ариун зүрх сэтгэл нь халуун дулаан хайраар бялхсан хүн тѳрѳлхтѳн байгал дэлхий, ариун сүнсийг дээдлэн хүндэтгэх нэгэн үндэстэн болон нэгдэнэ. Сэтгэл зүрх, оюун ухаан, үйлдэл бүр нь хамгийн нандин сайхан бодлоор тэтгэгдэх болно. Мѳргѳл залбиралд нь ямархан агуу их хүч, гайхамшиг нуугдаж байсныг мэдэрч, байгал эхтэйгээ найрсан амьдрахын чухалыг ухаарна. Бяцхан хүүхдүүд шуналдаа идэгдсэн цагаан арьстануудын бий болгосон хѳнѳѳлт бодис, сүйтгэх зэвсгээс ангид байж, эрх чѳлѳѳтэй гүйлдэн наадаж, байгал ээжийнхээ бэлгийг харамгүй хүртэх боломжтой болно. Гол горхи тунгалаг усаа гайхуулан шоржигнон урсаж эхлэхэд ой хѳвч нь амьдралаар бялхаж, амьтан ургамал ѳѳр ѳѳрийн үзэмжээ гайхуулах болно. Дэлхий ээжийн эс ширхэг болгон ид шидтэй гэдгийг ухаарсан хүн тѳрѳлхтѳн амьтан ургамлаа хайрлан хүндэтгэх болж, энэ заншлаа ѳдѳр тутмын амьдралынхаа хэвшил болгоно. Ядуу буурай, ѳвчтэй зовлонтой хэн ч байсан ахан дүүс нь хайрлан халамжилж, дэлхии гариг дээрээ хамтран амьдрах болно.

Хүмүүс удрирдагчаа сонгохдоо хуучин заншлаа баримтлах болно. Хэн чанга ярьж чаддаг нь бус, хэн бардам ам гаргадаг нь бус, хэн аль намд харьяалагддаг нь бус, харин хэн юу хийж чаддагийг нь сонгох болно. Хэн илүү ухаантай, зоригтой, нинжин сэтгэлтэй байж, түүнийгээ үйл хэргээрээ үзүүлж, олны тусын тулд ажиллаж чадна, түүнийг хамгийн дээд удирдагчаараа сонгох цаг ирнэ. Үүнд түүний хуримтлуулсан мѳнгѳнийх нь хэмжээ огт хамаагүй, хийсэн ажлынх нь үр дүн л гол хэмжүүр болно. Солонгын дайчид дэлхий ертѳнцийг аварч, анагаахад хангалттай хүрэхүйц гайхамшгийг бүгдэд харуулах болно.

Тиймээс эдгээр солонгын дайчдын хийх үүрэг нь асар их, бас агуу байх нь гарцаагүй. Тэдний ѳмнѳ тулгарах даваанууд нь уул овоо мэт их мунхаглалаас үүдэлтэй бѳгѳѳд дээрээс нь үл итгэх болон үзэн ядаж дайсагнах байдал нэрмээс болох болно. Тиймээс Солонгын дайчид маань сэтгэл зүрх, зориг тэвчээрээ хатуужуулж, бүхнээ зориулахад бэлэн байх хэрэгтэй. Тэдний энэхүү агуу үйл хэрэгт хүчээ ѳгч, эх дэлхийгээ аврах үйлсэд нь дэмжлэг болох хүмүүс хаа сайгүй байгаа.

Тэр ѳдѳр тун удахгүй ирэх болно. Харин тэр цагт үлгэр домог, түүх соёл, уламжлал заншлаа хадгалж үлдсэн Эртний Овог аймгуудын ард түмэнд энэхүү эрхэм мэдлэгийг хадгалан үлдсэнд нь хүн тѳрѳлхтѳн талархах болно. Учир нь тэрхүү мэдлэгийн ачаар хүмүүс эрүүл мэндээ, эх дэлхий маань ногоон байгалиа сэргээж, бүгд хамтаар зохицон найрсан амьдрах боломжтой болох юм. Иймээс л үүнийг ''Хүн тѳрѳлхтѳний тэсэн үлдэх гол түлхүүр'' гэж нэрлэсэн аж.

Энэхүү домгийн товчилсон хувилбар сайт дээр байгаа бѳгѳѳд Харанга хамтлагын Лхагваагийн дуулсан дууны үг энэхүү зѳгнѳлтэй яг л таараад байгаа юм даа.



Одоогоос яг нэг жилийн ѳмнѳ ийм зүйл бичээд сууж байна гэдгээ тѳсѳѳлѳѳгүй байсан билээ. Мэдээж маргааш юу болохыг яг таг урдчилан мэддэг хүмүн орчлонд ховор биз. Гэхдээ ''орчин үед'' ойрын 5 жилийнхээ хэтийн тѳлѳвийг бүдэг бадаг ч болов тѳсѳѳлсѳн байхгүй бол хоцрогдсон хүн гэж тооцогдох болсон цаг учир бага сага зүйл тѳлѳвлѳж байсаан (нэрэлхүү зангийн илрэл биз ээ). 100 хувь биелдэг тѳлѳвлѳгѳѳ хараахан боловсруулж сураагүй байгаа болохоор олон олон зүйл тѳлѳвлѳгѳѳнѳѳс гадуур болж ѳнгѳрсний нэг нь миний амьдралд их л том нѳлѳѳ үзүүлж байна даа. Тэр нь юу байсан бэ гэвэл...

Энэ бүхнийг үл ѳгүүлэн чинагш үргэлжлүүлье хэмээвээс нэгэн сэжим тасрах мэт санагдаад боломгүй нь. Иймээс уншигч таныг чилээн чилээж багахан нуршъя хэмээвээ.

Хамгийн анх Монголын Нууц Товчоо гэгчийг 4-р ангид байхдаа сургийг нь сонсож, олж үзээд юу ч ухаж ойлгоогүй билээ. Сүүлээр их сургуулийн 1-р курст ороод түүхийн хичээл дээр сууж байхад багш маань Монголчуудын үүсэл гарлыг яагаад Бѳртэ чоно, Гоо марал гэх хоёр зүйлстэй холбодог тухай биднээс асууж билээ. Тэгэхэд гэнэт л бѳѳ мѳргѳл, онго сахиустай нь холбоотой болов уу гэсэн бодол тѳрж, тэр бодлоо хэлэхэд минь багш маань их л таашаан хүлээж авсан боловч цааш нь дэлгэрүүлж хэлэлцэлгүй ѳнгѳрѳѳсѳн билээ. Тэгээд ч Жагарын орноо эрдэм сурна хэмээн зорьсон маань бѳѳ мѳргѳл гэхээсээ буддын шашны зүг анхаарлыг минь эргүүлж орхисон юм. Тэглээ гээд буддын философи, эртний энэтхэгийн гүн ухаан аль альнийг нь тѳдийлѳн гүнзгий ухаж ойлгож амжилгүй, ѳнгѳн талаас нь гүехэн мэдлэг олж аваад, түүндээ баясан явсан үе бий билээ.

Хамт байсан нѳхдѳѳ дагаж бясалгал гээчид явж үзэв. Бусдын мэдэрснийг үл мэдрэн, хүмүүсийн яриаг алмайран чагнаж явсаар үр дүнгүй буцаж ирэв. Гэсэн ч буддын шашинд, бясалгал гээчийн ид шидэнд итгэж, тэр бүхнийг нь ѳѳр дээрээ мэдрэхийг ихэд хүсэмжлэх болсон ч хүсэхэд хясдаг хорвоосон уу, эсвэл итгэл зүтгэл дутсаных уу, амжилгүй явсаар саяхныг хүрсэн билээ.

Энэ бүхний хажуугаар бүхнийг хялбарчлахыг хүсдэг зандаа дийлдэн ид шид, далд ертѳнц гэдгийг ч бас сонирхож, тийм зүйлсийн хүчээр амьдралд тохиолдох асуудал бүрээ хялбархаан шийдэх боломжтой мэт санагдан, ийш тийш сонирхон савчиж явлаа. Урд ѳмнѳ нь бѳѳгийн ид шидийн тухай дам дамаа ам дамжин сонсож байсан ч бурхны шашны үнэнч сүсэгтэн найзуудынхаа зѳвлѳсѳн ''бѳѳ дээр нэг л очвол байн байн ирүүлэх гээд ѳѳртѳѳ уячихдаг юм гэнэ лээ'' гэсэн үгэнд бас ээрэгдэн хэн нэгэн бууралтай золгох зүрх хүрдэггүй байсан юм. Тэгж байгаад амьдралын нэг нугачаанд бүдрэх үедээ холын хамаатан болох нэгэн улаачийн буултанд анх сууж, гайхан биширч билээ. Удалгүй ойрын хамаатан болох үеэл дүү маань ч бас угтай хэмээн дуулдаж, ер нь юу болоод байна хэмээн бѳѳгийн тухай интэрнет ухан тэрүүхэн тэндээ судлах болов. Хоёр жил хэртэй цахим ертѳнцѳѳр тэнүүчилсний эцэст Тэнгэр Удганыхаа блогийг олж уншсан бѳгѳѳд мѳн л хоёр сар хэртэй уншсаныхаа дараа Удгантайгаа холбогдож, Гэрлийн ѳргѳѳнд нэгдсэн билээ.

Tenger Mongol Gazar 1

Taking advantage of my poor english, I have decided to translate the book "Tenger Mongol Gazar" which was written by Ayangat, Mongolian Shaman and to let the people know about the return of Great Khan. Please forgive my poor vocabulary and grammatical errors. I would appreciate your sincere comments.

I believe that this book might bring some insight to people's mind about the future of our planet and humankind.

Dear fellow Mongolians. I am delighted to convey the message of the Great Khaan, who has just returned to earth, to his motherland, to us, the Heaven's Blue Spotted People. But there might be some people who may question me and my intentions, even suspect my rationality and sanity, saying that these messages are false and non-sense, or invented just to earn money. However, if you, my dear reader, believe that there is nothing in the world which happens without any reason, then you will understand why I deliver this book to you. I am a Shaman myself. Shaman, in other words, Ulaach (host) refers to people who act as interpreter of supernatural worlds by lending his/her body to their spirits. Udgan is a title given to female shamans while Zairan is given to male ones.

Without basic understanding about Shamanism, you won't be able to understand this book and appreciate its value, therefore I start this book with little introductory part to Shamanism. First of all, this is not a religion. Because, religion covers certain attributes such as the specific dogma, as the core, initiated by historical figures who are considered to have attained the enlightenment, and studied through ages, and to those who follow and spread those teachings from generation to generation. Buddha, Mohammed and Jesus Christ are the main figures whose teachings constitute the core of the major world religions in human history. Basic concepts of their teachings are very identical, which include God and evil, good and bad, heaven and hell, this and after life etc. Their main purpose and final destination is also same, the happiness of the mankind. However, long before these people preached it, the same ideas were known to people, and the deliverer of this knowledge was Shaman.

Shamanism is a belief, rather than a religion, which believes in Supernatural powers and Tenger. Believing in what is seen, heard and felt is the most realistic and practical approach. Instead of individual human beings' feelings and preachings, Shamanism recognises their impotency in comparison to the invisible natural power, therefore explores the ways to co-exist in harmony with those omnipotent souls by pleasing them and requesting their forgiveness, favour and protection...  (to be continued...)


Аугаа Пачакүтигийн эриний 3-р үе

Практикал Шаман гэж хүний бичсэнг орчуулан тавив. Сонирхолтой байж магад гээд л....

2012 оны 6-р сарын 21-ний өдөр Аугаа Пачакүтигийн буюу Шинэ Эриний 3-р үе эхэллээ хэмээн “пако” хэмээн нэрлэгддэг Өмнөд Америкийн Андын нуруунаа амьдрагч уугуул бөө нар үзэж байгаа аж. Энэхүү 3-р үе нь 6 сар үргэлжлэх бөгөөд 12-р сарын 21-нд дуусах юм байна. Яг энэ өдөр пако нарын нэрлэдгээр Шинэ Хаанчлал буюу Эрчимийн Шинэ Ертөнцийн үүд албан ёсоор нээгдэх ажээ.

2012-12-21-нээс хойш ертөнцөд гоц ухаантай хүүхдүүд төрнө

Эх сурвалж:

Эртний маяачууд Тэнгэрийн заадсыг бүх амьдралыг үүсгэгч Сансрын агуу ижий гэдэг утгаар ойлгодог байж. Дөрөвдүгээр эртний төгсгөл буюу 2012.12.21-нд нарны зам Тэнгэрийн заадастай огтлолцоно. Өөрөөр хэлбэл, тухайн оны хамгийн богинохон өдөр нар сарны умайгаас шинээр “мэндэлнэ” гэсэн үг аж. Энэ бол 26000 жилд нэг удаа давтагддаг гоц үзэгдэл ажээ. Тэгэхээр газар цөмөрч, гай зовлон ирэх биш харин Цагаан ирвэсний хүүхдүүд энэ цагаас эхлэн төрж хүмүүст сайн сайхан амьдралын үндсийг нь эргүүлэн авчирна. Энэ хүүхдүүд гоц ухаантай, оюун санааг дээдлэгч, ертөнцийг энергийн түвшинд хүлээн авагчид байх болно гэдэг.